Scene 12: City Archives

Chaos = 5

Scene: Heading to the City Archives to locate where Rowan’s tomb is located.

Altered scene

Crap. The City archives are locked up tight. Is there anyone around? Very unlikely – 4 Exceptional No! There is no one to be seen. The place is locked up tighter than a bank.

Fax stands back and looks at the building. IS there anyway he could sneak in?  – Yes he notices that some shutters at the side of the building look ajar. He might be able to open the shutter and boost himself in.

Try’s to act nonchalant as he walks down the alley Performance Vs DC15 – 19 success. He makes his way to the window without drawing any attention to himself. Sure enough the window is open. He has a quick look around, then swings it quickly open, and boosts himself in the window Dexterity Vs DC 10 (easy) 14 – makes it easy and jumps in the window without embarrassing himself.

Is there any light sources? – No – its pitch black inside the building. Fax reaches into his bag and finds his goggles of night. HE places them in his head and their magic darkvision kicks into play. The place is full of shelving with books and scrolls stacked up all over them. If he so much as touches one, a number of others look like they are perilously close to falling.

This is going to take some time. He starts to look around

Investigation Vs DC20 – 20! Its hard work, and after a couple of hours just as Fax is about to give up, he finds it! Civic records written by Rowan himself – in it he mentions his lands and the impacts of expanding the city outside of its existing limits – Fax realises that the new boundaries on a map included with the notes shows the walls of the city further out then what actually are, Maybe the city initially expanded, but over the years the boarders have contracted again? There is a section in this old map that marks Rowan’s manor – Its outside the current city walls to the north. Fax remembers that there was an overgrown hilly area there when he came into town originally – Maybe that’s where Rowans manor was and also his tomb? Fax pops the old city map in his pack and exits the archives the same way he came in – closing the shutter behind him.

Dexterity Vs DC10 – 6! As Fax is exiting the window his thunder cannon gets caught up on the window frame and trips him up, landing on his face – he scrambles quickly to his feet Did anyone notice him? Exceptional No! Luckily this part of town is unfrequented at the moment. So luckily Fax doesn’t draw any attention to himself from his blunder, and again attempts to nonchalantly exit the area  Performance Vs DC10 (not many people around) = 11 Success!

Fax heads away from the archives with his new found map, After a meal and some rest at the Wench, he makes a beeline for the city’s gate. The gate is on the south wall directly opposite where Rowans’ manor would be. To avoid attracting any attention (or hanger on’s, after all he is one of the only dragonborn in the area) Fax is going to head south for a km or so, then swing back around to flank the city from the west before making his way slowly back towards the north of Kandlemaas where Rowan’s manor should be. That should avoid any unwanted attention and put him in the right position to locate Rowan’s Manor and hopefully the location of his tomb.

It is a clear overcast day as Fax makes his way southwards. (No random encounters) His journey is uneventful as he makes his way westwards and then back to the north to approach the suspected location of Rowan’s manor. After a couple of hours, he finds himself in the overgrown area north of the city. He starts looking for any signs of the ruined manor, tell tale foundations, cobbled pathways, remnants of collapsed walls etc. The place is pretty rough and overgrown . Investigation Vs DC 20 per hour – 11 (1hour goes by and nothing) After a short break, Fax continues looking – 15 – still no luck – Fax thinks the map is slightly out of scale which is why he is having difficulty scaling it correctly. Surely its got to be here! How late in the day is it? Its late afternoon about 5pm. The sun has probably got another hour or so in it then it will be dark. Fax is not sure if he should spend another hour looking or whether he should head back to the Inn for the night. He decides to spend the hour looking – once it is dark he will try and stealthily re-enter the city and try again tomorrow. Investigation Vs DC20 – 7. Nothing. Zilch. Nada. Fax is disappointed he hasn’t found anything, but now its well and truly dark, and he has been digging through the overgrowth for a while. (No random encounters) He stealthily heads back to town using the cover of darkness Stealth Vs DC 15 -Natural 20! Fax re-enters the city under the cover of darkness easily – He makes his way back to the Hungry Wench Inn. Pays for some Roasted Mutton and Beetroot, and a Tankard of Perry (10 cp) and disappointedly eats it as he makes plans to head back to the supposed locations of Rowan’s Manor once the sun is up – hopefully he will have more luck tomorrow.

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